Tekoa Mountain Setters has been one of the most prolific English Setter breeders in the united states for 35+ years. CH Tekoa Mountain Sunrise is the all-time leading English Setter sire producing more winner and more champions than any English Setter in the History of the breed. Tekoa Mountain Sunrise is also the home of many other great champions including, CH Tekoa Mountain Patriot, CH Tekoa Mountain Outrage, CH Tekoa Mountain Jetsun, CH Tekoa Mountain Rising, CH Tekoa Mountain Nikki, CH Tekoa Mountain Hope and CH Pacesetters Equinox.
All of Tekoa’s breeding males and females are DNA tested, Hip Certified, and double registered AKC and American Field. All breeding males have frozen semen available. All females to be live bred must have a current, negative Brucellosis certificate issued by a licensed Veterinarian. Contact Tekoa for more information on shipping frozen semen.
Tekoa Mountain Farms is located in Boring Oregon and operated by Eric & Mardelle Mauck. Boring, Oregon, one-half hour SE of Portland, and convenient to the PDX Airport. With plenty of space, fresh water and clean air, this is the perfect environment to raise such fine dogs and gaited horses.
Tekoa’s goal is to preserve and improve upon the working field English Setter’s finest bird dog qualities of keen nose, enduring stamina, “come and go with you” brains, cooperative attitude, strength in conformation, natural beauty, talent and more through a controlled breeding program of the finest breeding stock known to the English Setter breed. From weaned puppies, young dogs, started dogs, to pets/hunting dogs, walking or horseback dogs, field trial shooting dogs, and all age dogs, Tekoa Mountain Kennels can provide the right dog for you.
Tekoa also offers “naturally gaited” Tennessee Walking horses to cure the appetite of most riding craves. From the competitive field trialer to the novice trail rider these horses are trained “in the field – and on trails” throughout the season and only a few are offered each year.
Tekoa takes pride in helping to match the right dog, horse, or both with their new owner!